Not-So-Normal Facts

  • Polar bears are so strong that they can kill an animal with one blow
  • Cubs learn to stay still and "freeze" while their mother is hunting. If they move, they are disciplined with a whack on the head
  • Female bears always dig dens for their cubs, sometimes they are elaborate and have different rooms
  • Polar bears are thought to be as smart as apes
  • Polar bear skin is actually black, and their fur is translucent, but the light bounces off of it making it appear to be white
  • Polar bears can typically swim up to 100 miles at a time, at 6 mph
  • They overheat more often than they are cold
  • They obsess over clean fur because dirt can mess with their insulation
  • They have a mix of body language and vocals that they communicate with. For example, head wagging occurs when a bear wants to play, and deep growls are warnings.
  • On bitterly cold days, polar bears will dig shelters in snow banks and curl up into tight balls. Sometimes they cover their muzzles, which radiate heat, with their fur paws.

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